ShoreTown Ballpark
Lakewood, New Jersey
Year Opened

Current Team
Lakewood Blueclaws

Philadelphia Phillies

South Atlantic League


Location Map

My Grades
Stadium A-
Atmosphere C+
Concessions A

Photos taken in 2003 & 2010
Following the template of many other new minor league parks (especially in the Northeast), FirstEnergy Park is a clean, comfortable, but unspectacular place to take in a game. Built in what is considered a shore community of New Jersey, the setting of the park is completely unmemorable. It sits in an open piece of land with only a water tower providing anything unique in the backdrop. The outfield is littered with ads, which I usually don't like much, but here it hardly matters as they are not blocking the view of anything. The one aspect that strikes you as soon as you go inside is how expansive this park is. The concourse is both high and roomy. It also encircles the whole park, which is one of the nicer features. The concourse features two large concession counters, as well as a grill, a Mexican food stand, and several beer stands. In addition, the outfield concourse has several more concession stands including a grill. The left field corner is littered with games for the kids including a huge play area, speed pitch, human bowling, and golf. And in right field there is a video arcade - just what every ballpark needs ! Down both lines are group areas which feature picnic tables that go down all the way to field level. Also, beyond the outfield fences are large grassy knolls for the overflow crowd. Behind home plate is a large souvenir store stocked with Blueclaws' (and other teams) merchandise. Seating is comprised of all fold down chairs with plenty of leg room. The rows are a bit long (up to 25 seats) and the bowl isn't as steep as I'd prefer, but these are only minor complaints. Prices are very reasonable, especially compared to other New Jersey teams. In a place that could really be gouging the fans, I commend the Blueclaws for keeping the prices so low. Certainly this has to be one of the reasons why they continue to draw so well, even after 10 years. Parking is plentiful and only $3. As with other parks situated in a wealthy suburb, there are numerous bratty kids running around to annoy those actually trying to watch the game. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen so many kids as I've seen in Lakewood. At least the ushers here do a good job of keeping the fans in their seats and not distracting those who are actually here to watch the game. Overall, a pleasant enough place to see a game, but nothing that makes it unique or different than parks like those in Somerset or Long Island.
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